So, in Parts I & II of my series on “Upcycling,” we’ve seen that you can re-purpose empty bottles and containers, clothes, furniture, etc., giving them new value, beauty and purpose… but can you do the same thing with a house? Or an apartment building? Or a school? Why not! Today, for the finale of my three-part series on how and why to re-purpose just about everything, we’re looking at “upcycling” on an architectural scale.
This isn’t just a fun hypothetical or a cooky, avant-garde experiment. This is actually being done, and with good reason and a whole, glorious variety of results.
Hey everyone! For the new year, I’m really ramping up my efforts to get my artwork out there in the world. I stealthily started putting together an Etsy store, and am ready to share it with the world (or at least, my Facebook friends and the maybe two or three people who read this blog). For my Etsy debut, I’ve created a series of paintings which I’m calling “Hey Cupcake!”
In “Upcycling Part I,” we looked at the origin of the word “upcycling” and sort of the basic trash-to-treasure concept (if you missed it and have no idea what I’m talking about, you can find it here, but we didn’t get to really see it in action. It was all very informative and blah blah blah blah… ok we get the point. Now it’s time to put my Pinterest where my mouth is. Read More →